IVC college exterior

Hear from the Principal 20.10.23

The first six weeks of the academic year have flown by and, as we head towards the Half Term break, I am pleased to share recent highlights and upcoming events with you.

Cell-ebrating our Science students

Earlier this week, our Year 13 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students showcased their knowledge through their Collaborative Sciences Project, which challenged students from different science subject groups to work together to utilise different approaches to solve a common problem. The experience helped our students foster a deeper understanding of their subject matter and instilled a greater knowledge of the relevance of their studies. It also helped to further build their teamwork capabilities. Congratulations to all the students who took part.

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

Whilst it is considered unlucky by some to prepare for Christmas too early, our Year 7 students have started to rehearse for their December performance of the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol.


To support their preparations, this week, the students enjoyed a theatre workshop delivered by award-winning company, Box Clever. The imaginative and inspiring workshop helped our students to refine their performance skills and build confidence in their own abilities. I am looking forward to watching their performance later in the year. Keep an eye on our College Facebook page for further details of the show.

Sports leaders inspire next generation

On Tuesday 17 October, our Year 10 sports leaders supported Year 5 and 6 students from local schools at the ESFA Girls Primary Football Competition. From refereeing, to coaching, to collating the results, they helped to ensure the event ran smoothly. They conducted themselves with maturity and were commended by staff from the other schools for their communication, knowledge and leadership skills. I would like to thank them all for representing the College in such a positive light.

Mill Road Mosque

In preparation for their GCSE examinations, earlier this week our Key Stage 4 students enjoyed an enlightening visit to the Mill Road Mosque. The trip helped our students gain a deeper understanding of Islamic worship and the importance of the Mosque within Muslim communities. I look forward to witnessing the impact of the visit on their studies.

Engineered for success

Last weekend, I was delighted to receive an email from former student, Waylon G., who informed me that he has successfully passed the rigorous selection process to become an Arkwright Scholar! The fully sponsored programme is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK and provides a pathway for students to pursue a career in engineering. Waylon will be guided by professional mentorship and benefit from work experience opportunities at renowned establishments across the UK. He was recommended to apply for the award by our own Mr Fuggle. I would like to say a huge congratulations to them both on the achievement, especially as Waylon is the first Impington Village College student to be awarded the scholarship.

Sixth Form Open Evening – thank you for joining us!

Finally, on Wednesday, I was pleased to showcase our Sixth Form, Impington International College, to more than 600 prospective students and their families. Thank you to all of our staff and students who gave their time to ensure the evening was a success. If you weren’t able to join us, learn more about the DP and Career-related Programme here.


Thank you all for a fantastic start to the academic year. Have a great Half Term break!

October 20, 2023