FWAS Time Frames and Commitment

1. Delivery activity will take place from April 2021 until December 2022.

2. Expression of interest to be part of the project by the end of May 2021.

3. Participant schools will have three face to face half day meetings to provide personalised one to one support in implementing / improving a flexible working policy and whole school approaches to FW support during the 5-term programme period. Support will be provided to headteachers, deputy heads or senior leadership team.

4. Participant schools will be asked to complete a ‘baseline’ and ‘follow up’ surveys (designed by DfE) to evaluate the programme.

5. Participant schools and their staff will be expected to attend a minimum of 5 FW events or forums (all online) aiming to cover a range of FW topics and targeted at either FW approvers or requesters. Links to any recorded online events are to be hosted on the school website for people to continue to access following the live.
